HACC / Zero-Emission Ports

We’re building a Collective of port policymakers, community advocates and industry partners to fast track the shipping industry to a zero-emission future.

Now, we need you.

What we’ll build together…

A proactive approach to achieving sustainable, just and equitable port ecosystems and a toolkit of resources: 

  • Helping port commissioners and staff leverage port state authority and ownership models to advance climate action

  • Enabling knowledge exchange on policy, technology and innovation in the maritime sector

  • Tracking progress on securing and deploying funding from programs like EPA’s Clean Ports Program

  • Monitoring globally planned, financed and operational projects for zero-emission infrastructure and development

Ready to amp up your impact?

Support HACC / PORTS

We’re just getting started! If you are interested in supporting HACC / PORTS or another HACC initiative, please connect with us! Your support helps amplify our impact. Thank you!
